
Archive for the ‘Girls Girls !’ Category

Why are men violent? I mean, domestically.

And why so, with their wives and not (mostly) with their girlfriends? It’s because they’re afraid. Emotionally weak and vulnerable. More than the aggression, it’s their defense. Something like you’d do instinctively upon seeing a potentially poisonous snake.
With that, we arrive on a more important question: Is that justified?

Ofcourse, like truth, justifications are subjective. No matter how much we try to put in objectivity in any of the men-women relationship, the bitter fact is that, we simply can’t. Somethings are not meant for that. And that is what -I think- makes them more complex than they already are.
But: there are two things in which I firmly believe in. One, everyone must have their own point of view on this. Two, none can’t live with them and without them. Black & White. Yin & Yang. Batman & Joker. Nature, most certainly, is a sadist.

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V for Virginity

I do not write to intend this as a novel [or a story for that matter]… This was how my story was supposed to begin. Before anything else, let me be very clear that in this blog post, all forms of interrogative, inquisitive comments are strictly proscribed by the author [which is none other than me]. Colloquially, no How-What-Where-Why-Who et al.  Bromidic as it may sound, but all this which is about to follow in italics is purely a work of authors abjectly rich imagination. Ergo, even the slightest resemblance with any person living/dead is [un]fortunately coincidental.

So without any further delay, let’s get going with it.

I do not write to intend this as a novel, but sometimes the need to communicate gets all transcending and utterly primordial. And this [almost] carnal desire to communicate is the raison d’atre for this present fable. I’ll begin from the beginning.

The entire engineering fraternity [The reader is hereby pleaded to take note of the word ‘fraternity’ with full heed. The author has used this with utmost deliberation, carefully shunning ‘sorority’ for reasons which will get obvious as he reaches towards the fag end of this sentence.] is notorious for it’s obsession with fairer sex – and sex, to be more specific- mostly because of their [it’s] sheer paucity in this profession. Sequestering all the chronic contentions, allow me to take you all to a point which is important here without giving you -and me- the sweetly indulging and obviously titillating luxury of digression.

I never lost my virginity. I knew exactly what I did with it. And this is an unabashed [albeit, an honest and carefully non-vulgar] account of what I did.

The first time I had a girlfriend, I didn’t even touch her. We barely met. The fling was primarily on phone. I thought lust is for animals. Love is something which is pure. And hence, it can’t be intermingled with love. How insanely stupid must I’ve been back then; and what a bitch must she have been to dump me for someone else!

The world hadn’t seen much sunlight before I was into another [even more] serious relationship [if possible!]. I was fast this time. We held hands! And that was pretty much it. But before things got really serious, we kinda broke up. That, or we were on an indefinite break. Whatever! Implies the same. I didn’t even try for anything before I was into my third super-serious relationship. The only difference being that I was much more relaxed and nonchalant about all the ‘relationship’ stuff this time. I was kinda ‘been-there-done-situation’. Irrelevant, perhaps. Boisterous, definitely. Also, I moved to the ‘next’ level too. But as it turned out to be, the girl was too ethical. ‘No ding-dong before you sing a song’. What the fuck! I can’t marry at 21! I mean I legally can, but pragmatically I won’t. And this gave me my smoothest break-up ever.

By this time, I was done with girls. Not forever, but yes, for the time being. I strived to strengthen my male bonding [in an absolutely non-gay way]. I paid attention to academics. Tried improving my grades, with little or no success in the long run. That was a period of self-abnegation, for no fucking good reason. If you subtract the word ‘good’ from the last sentence, I think it’d have described my situation more aptly. To put it most simply, I was just not being me. This was unacceptable. And un-natural. I knew I had to revert back to my old ways. Sooner or later. And sooner, I did. I was back doing what I do best. Well, definitely it wasn’t ‘the best’ coz had it been that, I wouldn’t have been…

Now I’m the kind of guy who learns from his mistakes, as well as from other’s mistakes. And I never repeat the same mistake. I really take utmost care so as it won’t get repeated. But the problem with me is that I get so engrossed in avoiding the previous one that I just am not able to foresee an unprecedented one coming. To sum it up, I never repeat a previous mistake; I always do a brand new one. Why did I tell all this will be apparent in a matter of few lines.

I was careful enough not to have my fourth girl as one of the previous three. Now I honestly don’t know how many species of human females exist on this planet at any given point of time. I think that number will be highly debatable. Anyway, that’s not what I’m here for. All I knew by now was those previous three were not of my type. Therefore, this one should be of completely different type altogether. Fair Enough. I started praying for a nymphomaniac in morning/evening prayer. Oh, before that, I started having morning/evening prayers. And as Paolo Coelho says, if you really desire for something, the entire universe conspires for you to get it. And get her, I did. But then, as the saying goes ‘Be Careful for what you wish, coz you might just get it all, and then some you don’t want’; and I wished for too much. I realized it pretty soon. But not soon enough to mend myself. Redemption was right there, but the correct path is not easy and sins are always tempting. Taking the higher moral and literal ground  -like all great authors do- our author here too won’t get into the gory details of the act. Suffice is to say that on a very hot Sunday afternoon, in an air-conditioned room, with no electricity, amidst seas of sweat, I lost something to gain everything.

Right then, I had what alcoholics call as ‘moment of clarity’. And in that moment, what ranged in my head was this. ‘Women are stupid. But if women weren’t stupid, the world won’t go round’.

One of the novelties of being human beings is that we can almost never do what we set out to do.

And that was how the story was supposed to end. It didn’t make much sense to me though. It might make sense to some of you. There is also a tini-tiny problem. What I feel is that this [the fiction] might be offensive to some feminist kinda people. Now I don’t have particularly anything against them, but then I’m also not too fond of them. So in case you’re one of them, I do apologize sincerely.

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Push n’ Pull ;)

Of late, my mind has become insanelyas some would say, others would agree- dirty. I really have no idea whehter I had always been like that subconcsiously and that all that is coming into forefront presently.

Arguably, the so called “theory” which I’m about to present here would be frowned upon by many, and I’m totally okay with it. Although, I’ve a tiny plea- please endorse my creativity before abjuring me absolutely.

Okay.. I don’t know how to put it in decent words. I don’t know how [and from where] to begin. Tersely, all I can manage is this- Have you ever thought of a T-shirt saying ‘Push’ in the front and ‘Pull’ at the back in big block letters? Well, that is it. This is my Push n’ Pull theory.

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Random Lamentations

V-Days have never been good for me. Notwithstanding the fact that I’ve perpetually being without a valentine on every valentine’s day, rather, there is more to it than just mere and supremely overwhelming phenomenon of being single. Let us just not open that door yet.

Somehow.. Anyhow.. Everyhow.. I end up messing it up on this very particular day. Each time, any time, every time! Ironical? It’s such a meager word to use. Had that been the worst part, I would have been far more content right then. But as they say, things are never so bad that they can’t get worse.. Which explains my circumstances and me, wholesomely and most pertinently. Things just keep on getting worse and worse and then some more worse. Ad Infinitum! It feels sick deeper within, when it’s entirely not your fault. Just how “bad” someone’s luck might be? I think, I might be the cornerstone from now onwards, against whom one can measure his/her bad luck and be all happy and gay and content.

Happy Belated Valentines’ Day to all of you out there.


After all, the great MK Gandhi said- If you want to be happy, see the people below you.

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First of all, this post is strictly for guys. [Even though, there are just a handful of ’em who’d actually care to read it.. but Whatever!] Second of all, my blog has been derelict for quite sometime now. It needs some replenishment urgently. Now I know why I’m not a good blogger. I get these blogging bouts, whereby I’m on blogging spree for few days, and then I casually take a back seat. Anyway, thats not what this is about.

This is about women. Once Again!

I’m in a serious fix. I’ve been into it ever since I can remember. What are we supposed to do when a female [Hot or Not, that is not the point here] crosses path with you? And I want her to notice me, this is the entire crux. Else there wouldn’t have been this post. People of either sexes can help me here. I mean whether we should look straight into her eyes, and give her a smile[whatever kind I can manage right then] or just simply ignore her, avoiding eye contact or anything else?

Where from Scent of a Women comes from? After she has crossed path with you, just close your eyes, and smell the air following her. Awesome! That makes me wonder, why do women always smell so nice? Just like babies! I always wanted to write about it, but it always slipped of from my mind whenever I sat down to pen down. But today I experienced like back-to-back 3 times! Then I realized, this might be those “signs” for me write! 😛


It’s 5 O’clock in the morning, and I’m really not sure what I’ve written here. But I’ll publish it anyway. Do we care for minor glitches, or major issue after all?


Exquisite female clad in classic Saree elegantly.. With Cigarette! I saw it for the first time today, what a sight! I was never surprised so much so pleasantly before.

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Have you ever wondered why a certain thing (movie, book anything) is liked by majority and yet you’ve no clue what the fuck is it about. Then one fine day, you just decide that you’ll just watch/read/feel it to know what is it that gives the junta such a high. And bang! There you’re, cursing yourself in the long run, that why didn’t you do it earlier. Sometimes, going with the flow, being in the crowd and not out of it isn’t as bad as it may sound. I’ve experienced this innumerable number of times, and am still continuing doing so. The latest case being of Roadies 5.0 and The Kite Runner.

I always knew ‘The Kite Runner’ is a book definitely worth reading and more, but somehow I wasn’t able to jugadofy it from anywhere. But once I laid my hands on it, I made sure I finish it as soon as possible. 8 hours isn’t too long a time period, is it? After reading a sufficient numbers of best-sellers, now I can safely discern ’em and others. The narrative description is impeccable. Sentences extremely terse yet dramatically poignant and ostensibly symbolic. I’m already feeling at least 5% Afghani, if nothing else. The plot loosens grip somewhere in the middle, but then Khalid Hossieni becomes even more ferociously captivating.

Ehh.. Who am I kidding? You people must’ve read the book ages ago. Chuck it. I’ll move on.

Roadies 5.0. First thing which comes to my mind after seeing this word is Raghu. Second thing is that why am I not there. And thirdly, all cute girls ain’t scrupulous[yeah, I’m talking about Sambhavi]. Nonetheless, it has made Raghu a celebrity in its’ own distinct manner. The tasks, the politics, the bikes, the girls.. it so very Me! 😦


It’s 3 O’ clock in the morning, and I’m yet not feeling sleepy, despite the fact that I’ve to attend class at 8 in the morning. I’m getting a little insomniac. Perhaps, coz I’m not getting as much attention from females as much as I was used to. It’s a complete black out for me these days. But that doesn’t vex me much. My major concern is her. I’m getting this feeling that she has started ignoring me. Not replying to someone’s routine SMSs suggests so.


I’ve a lot of academic work to do in coming few days. By the way, yesterday I got my first pay check. I thought the feeling will be overwhelming. But strangely -and sadly- it wasn’t. Probably I’ve no one “special” to share it with. I’d loved to spend my first salary on her -or for that matter, anyone who were my love interest- but unfortunately no one is there to acknowledge it. It wasn’t meant to be, or may be, it was meant not to be. Arguably, one of the best lines I’ve ever come across! No candies for guessing the source 😛


This post could very well be attributed to my ongoing drinking spree.

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I read this in one of my friends orkut profiles. It wasn’t a tag actually, but more of a facebook-quiz kinda thing. But I liked it. And then I wanted to tag somebody who has recently blogrolled me. This tag is for Nidhi.

Describe your perfect Sunday morning?
A trip to sassi, shaving-bathing.. then a date with a beautiful lady. [I just described my perfect day, any day 😉 ]

Favorite song of all time?
If it has to be only one, I’d rather pick ‘Careless Whisper’ by George Michael.

How tall are you?
5′ 6″

If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?
Manager of some high profile football club, preferably in Germany or Italy. Juventus, to be more specific.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland.. any of these would do.

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
Aamir Khan.

If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook?
If I could, I’ll serve ‘em with some real delicious egg-curry.

What is your favourite word?

What makes you cry?
When I’ve to pay the price of someone else’s fault.

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?
Lion. On more softer side.. it would be a squirrel or rabbit.

If you could time travel to the past to correct any mistakes you feel you’ve made, would you?
Definitely! Many.

Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full?
Half full.

What do you do for fun?
Depends on which place am I at and in what mood am I in right then. The entire concept of fun get lost if it isn’t spontaneous.

Are you an outdoor or an indoor person
Both. Very Much!

Where do you see yourself in five years?
I want to say in a live-in relationship, and earning more than decently.

What are you most proud of in your life?
None, yet.

When do you plan on getting married?
Anytime between 25 to 30, depends how soon I meet ‘Her’.

Get the number or give the number?
Get the number. That way ‘We’ don’t come out as “despos”.. it also gives you a kind of upper hand.  😀

Romance or Kinky Sex?
Ubiquitous Romance with interim kinky sex! 😉

How do you feel?
Missing someone.

What size shoe do you wear?

What is your favorite clothing brand?

Water or 100% Juice?
100% Juice.

T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Cingular/AT&T, or Sprint/Nextel
None. Duhh!

Would you rather be hot or cold?
Hot, what else?

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
I’d rather die than even loosing my tiny fingernail. Every body part of mine very, very dear to me.

Favorite Place to Eat?
Any Pizza place .But it also depends on what kind of food are you talking about.

Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other?
Play. Yeah, I’m lazy and boring.

Most Memorable Past?
My school life. Especially the time in between when I was in 9th to 12th.

Most embarrassing moment?
That I had a crush on a teacher and she came to know about it.

If you had to pick one car, which would it be?
Black Mercedes S-350.

Your favorite Disney Films?
Mickey Mouse. I’m not too sure whether Tom and Jerry falls under this category.

Why did the chicken cross the road?
How could I possibly know this!

Do you support Paris?
Excuse me?

Where is Waldo?
I’ve no clue what it is.

Favorite element?
Carbon. The name itself is so glamorous. [probably coz of NFS]

What was your last thought?
How silly girls are! I was watching Roadies-5.

Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, or other?
Firefox, definitely!

Who are you going to vote for in 2008?
As an American, I’ll say Obama. I like his name. 😛

Juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
Juice and crackers.

Which is worse? A bad laugh or a bad cough?
Bad cough. Though I’m not too sure about my answer.

Are you a cat or a dog person?
I don’t like pets, but I’d say, a cat person.

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Again, none. But just for the sake of picking, I’d be deaf rather than being blind.

Define yourself in 3 words…
Leo, Vulnerable, Emotional.

Do you eat cold cereal at night?
I can eat anything, but I do not get anything to eat only!

What is your favorite TV show?
F.R.I.E.N.D.S How many times do I need to tell this?

Do you shower every single day?
I try my best to do so. I like shower.

Boat or bus?
Boat. It’s more adventures and exciting.

What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out
The same as everyone else would do.

What is your favorite food?
Egg and Pizza.

Do you read harry potter books?
Nope. But I’ve seen all the movies, so I know all which is there to be known.

If you could have one super human power what would you choose?
I think about it a lot. Flying with speed of light is good, X-ray vision is so titillating.. but you can’t use ‘em for some genuine purposes. Nothing could beat Invisibility. Guys, just think about it! 😉

Have you had a beer in the last week?
I had everything which is there to be “have” yesterday. 🙂

Vitamin Water or Gatorade?

Favorite body part?
I’ve nothing so special to label it as “favourite” in my body. A woman’s body has every part which is my favourite. Especially the feet and lips. Someday, I’ll tell you about my foot-fetish. 😉

Flip flops or sandles?
Sandals, Nike.

What do you do on fridays?
Mostly I try to find myself a date. Otherwise, hang out with friends. The latter happens in irritatingly large amounts.

Do you like bananas?

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I saw Scent of a Woman yesterday. Boy! The best visually challenged role I’ve ever witnessed! Al Pacino is growing on me[actingwise, I mean 😉 ]. I end up being his fan more and more, each time I see any of his flicks. Nonetheless, this is not about the movie. I was just vivisecting with one of my other friend of all Oscar Winning movies. And we came up with two things- Dialogues, and the way they are delivered. Sure shot ingredients of any award winning movie.. except, ofcourse.. some immaculate and superb acting by all the characters. So here it goes…

The day we stopped looking my boy is the day we die!

Source- Al Pacino[as Lt. Col. Frank Slade in Scent of a Woman]

Its for the readers to sort out the relevance of it 😉

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Beautiful girls, women.. Curling up those ambrosial, impeccably White sticks in their perfect rosy, full, pink lips.. blowing it manipulatively, sometimes reflexively, at times being more conspicuous or rather warily! Can anything, any vista be more coquettish..seductive than this?

I always used to think of smoking women as -well, Almost- detestable, not anymore though. Off late, I’ve nurtured a penchant for them. Fall this winter, you bet it is gonna ameliorate!

The reason? I’d better be shut-up 😉

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Woman are never wrong. Apologizing is men’s responsibility.

Source -Rouge, DT.

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I have had only two serious crushes on teachers. One of them was when I was in class 4. This one, by far, has been my closest encounter with love. I went to school daily just to meet her, without any lecherous strings attached.. surprisingly enough! She has been one of the most beautiful women as well as a person in my life. And more interestingly, I didn’t realize I love her.. until recently.(by recent,I mean a few years ago) We were more like friends, I had visited her house very often. No guesses.. I was her favourite student. And when I heard she got engaged and was getting married next month, my heart literally came to mouth!! I very vividly remember that day, I was frustrated.. exasperated with each and every thing.. everyone, and I couldn’t figure that out then.. but now I can. I very well knew.. I am never gonna marry her.. but then, I cant help it either 😦 . But anyway.. I continued meeting her after she left school and got married, coz then her abode was very much near to my school.. till she flied off to Mumbai 😦 (then, Bombay) . And they lived happily ever after.. not me!, atleast for some time. Then, long time after that.. I saw her once near a shop … when I was in my 11th standard. But by the time I figured out it was she.. she melted in thin air 😦 .

The second serious crush was on my geography teacher, when I was in class 7. But unlike the previous one, this one was completely lusty, no love, no sentiments.. just wild fantasies ;-). And the good part was, it didn’t have any adverse effects on my studies.. on the contrary.. it enhanced them. Made me concentrate harder on the subject.. coz then I wanted to score highest in her subject.. exactly which I did! 198 out of 200 isn’t certainly bad after all. She wasn’t the most beautiful, but was the hottest women I have ever seen yet. I think she had some aura of raw, nascent sexuality. The only though which got seeing her pure sex.. she literally was a sex-goddess for me. She was barely 5’1” , pimpled face.. not too fair, neither dark.. but with perfect figure. The first time I saw her, she was newly married.. bangles, vermillion all over.. red-circled sensous bindi .. white body hugging suit with red polka dots.. tantalizingly aggarvating her already-perfect figure even more. Man.. I get on high thinking about her even now! She definitely was gifted, with exuberant, oozing feminity. Haven’t seen anyone like her yet ! Then she again came back to teach us in class 10, and ruined my geography, academically. By that time.. every one in school knew what I though of her..even some of the teachers, ofcourse.. including her ! But then.. that hardly made any difference to my peers.. coz they too had very same opinion about her 😛 .

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How is expected to behave when he suddenly comes across his/her childhood sweetheart? The one, whom he/she used to fantasize.. or perhaps thought that he/she is in love with him/her. Well.. the story has been a lot different with me, from the very earliest!

Crushes on teachers is a very much natural and most widely spread phenomenon among almost all school going children, and I was no exception to it. I had my very first crush on my nursery teacher.. and mind you.. it wasn’t sexual at all, primarily coz I didn’t know the meaning of this three lettered word… around which our entire life revolves.. that’s another theory altogether .. and would elaborate on it later, for sure. Coming back to the point, Her name was ‘Cicilia singh’ strange enough.. her hair were short, but not boycut, and she was tall and dark.. with probably smart personality and authoritative kinda voice. That’s all I can recall about her.

Next was in class 1.. I cant recall anything about her now, save this- I had one of her finger-nails(which broke while she was playing with it, sitting ideally in the class.. in a supposedly free-period or so) as a souvenir for a long, long time.

Again in class 2, I got a crush.. and this one was more serious than before.. her name was Malya Bajpayi, petite.. very fair, average height.. that’s all. In the very same class, she got married and left. And her replacement bore no different feelings for me, Hema Ahuja.. was equally good for me, although.. she wasn’t half as beautiful as her, but then, she was damn impressed by me.. me totally unaware of any remotest of reasons! I gifted her some frivolous card, with weird and silly drawing of some equally incongruous superhero 😀

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I've learnt..that your life can be changed in a matter of hours
by people who don't even know you.

I read this line in someone’s orkut profile today..and nothing could have been a better starter to this post than this quipster. And more ironically..this one single line can be applied to so many people in my life.Infact, this always been the case with me ..perhaps coz of my too vulnerable kind of nature. I do get convinced by people too easily..of which I have been trying to get rid of by being more stubborn..and at times by simply ignoring their logistics.

Someone asked me to write something for him ..and I actually started this post thinking to scribble my thoughts regarding Him.

Well..that person met me on orkut .. as usual, coz that is the only platform wherein I meet new people and perhaps for the first time some body gave me so much bhaav in the first few conversations itself ..become so much intimate(ahem..metaphorically, I mean 😉 ) ..that the aforementioned quote seems perfectly apt on him! But in a sense … I have become almost blased to all this thingy.. I mean, it doesn’t excite me anymore…the thought of meeting a stranger..of either sex..doesn’t palpitates me anymore. Adrenaline flow doesn’t augment on hearing some unheard voices .. anyway, am getting deviated from the topic. My point is simply about that person.. and the worse thing is that I can’t even get too very explicit here .. but I guess this very ambiguous post is subtle hint to Him about my other ambrosial intentions 🙂

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First of all..I don’t have any apt title to give to! I guess it’s becoming a habit now, I have been pretty incoherent and garrolous from last few days.Strangely..I have started speaking too much from last few days.I can connect to any romantic stuff instantaneously..have started using the word “YUP” instead of more rustic “YAA” ..I guess I sound cool :-). My dressing sense has improved by leaps and bounds ..I am much more comfortable talking on fone with anyone than I earlier used to be.I didn’t nervous anymore meeting someone for the first time.Have become even more rude to my parents..and I don’t feel like going home anymore…I enjoy more here now,and thats why I don’t want to be there this Holi.

Most importantly..I have deleted my Orkut Account on 14th Feb at 2:45 PM

I don’t want to give any explaination for it here..infact I don’t want to explain it anywhere,I have had just enough of queries regarding it and strangely enough..I tolerated all of them almost indefatigibly ..with some elan,I guess. I have become even more patient now..then I earlier used to be.But I have lost my sincerity..my most cherished virtue:-(

I don’t know the reason of all these changes..rather I don’t want to know them,and even more ..I don’t want others to know it..not even notice it .

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This post is something which , in real terms can be termed a blog ..because this was written at that time when I had nothing else to do (seriously).On saturday , I went to this Google Wordmasters Challenge 2006 near the ITO office ..and from there I went to New Delhi railway station.How and why ,perhaps can be answered in the next post..as it is am in extreme paucity for stuffs on which I could blog on.Anyway..my point was that there I had a lot of absolutely free time while waiting for the contest to begin .And as I had a notepad as well as pen ..so I decided to pen down my thoughts!!

But before getting there ..I would like to share something more, which i always feel whenever I happen to visit any place in delhi.I just speculate that I am going to meet a beautiful girl there ,then befriend her and eventually she would fall in love with me (I dont mean to be ridiculous here ..but can’t help either) This is certainly the height of optimism and of course lack of some very atomic element in my life .Not elaborating it further..I just want to get over this wild anticipation.

The following lines are more or less manipulation of what I wrote there ,while waiting and watching a beautiful girl.

PeareyLal Bhawan,10:40 AM-

Well..as I have nothing to do here I truly felt like writing a blog , but didn’t had a computer there so am writing it on paper and would copy it sometimes later on blog.

There is this girl sitting at a distance from me, in sky blue salwaar-suite and white dupatta , with the suit embroidered with umm , I think maroon colour or may be red ..its not so obvious from this distance .She is irritatingly fair,with flowing mane only that they were not in good condition, or may be she doesnt care about them .Her face was very cute , refreshing and she is certainly more than beautiful.As i wrote the previous line ..i found her looking at me , with looks which i couldn’t comprehend .Perhaps she would be thinking about me ;).But I wish I get to talk to her ,anyhow.She is too is looking very lonely..like me .Her wrists were lacking any accesory..even a watch and her black sandals were just a bit higher than the conventional high heels.She isn’t involved in any conversation and was just a mute spectator of them ..again like me .

Its 10:50 AM and people are still pouring in omnidirectionly.She is not full bodied either but her breasts were just in decent proportions with her body,this may be the attribution of her skin hugging suit as well.Her reminds of some small screen actress or may be some one else I have seen but couldn’t make it out .I dearly want a cameraphone now ..to capture such rare moments .

Finished at 10:58 AM.

There was some part which was edited as well as censored by me .

And by the way .. A very happy Dussehra & Gandhi Jayanti to you all!!!

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