
Archive for February, 2009

Random Lamentations

V-Days have never been good for me. Notwithstanding the fact that I’ve perpetually being without a valentine on every valentine’s day, rather, there is more to it than just mere and supremely overwhelming phenomenon of being single. Let us just not open that door yet.

Somehow.. Anyhow.. Everyhow.. I end up messing it up on this very particular day. Each time, any time, every time! Ironical? It’s such a meager word to use. Had that been the worst part, I would have been far more content right then. But as they say, things are never so bad that they can’t get worse.. Which explains my circumstances and me, wholesomely and most pertinently. Things just keep on getting worse and worse and then some more worse. Ad Infinitum! It feels sick deeper within, when it’s entirely not your fault. Just how “bad” someone’s luck might be? I think, I might be the cornerstone from now onwards, against whom one can measure his/her bad luck and be all happy and gay and content.

Happy Belated Valentines’ Day to all of you out there.


After all, the great MK Gandhi said- If you want to be happy, see the people below you.

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