
Archive for May, 2009

Smoking Works!

If you’re going to be insanely rational, please don’t read this further.

A little while ago [well, I don’t exactly remember how while ago], I used to get spams which roughly had something like this in their subject – Older women looking for Younger men. You know, ceremoniously ordinary event in life of an average netizen. What I saw today in my spam was the exact opposite of what it used to be. [!] And then, it struck me.. I’ve grown. If not in anything else, then definitely numerically. Which, isn’t too comforting a thought. 😦


I didn’t had 150 bucks in change the other night to pay for auto. I had a 500 rupee note, a 100 rupee note, 3 10s and a 5. And some cigarettes. I gave the autowaala 135 in cash, and 3 Marlboros. He was glad and satisfied beyond explanation. Smoking Works! 😉


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