
Archive for March, 2008

Have you ever wondered why a certain thing (movie, book anything) is liked by majority and yet you’ve no clue what the fuck is it about. Then one fine day, you just decide that you’ll just watch/read/feel it to know what is it that gives the junta such a high. And bang! There you’re, cursing yourself in the long run, that why didn’t you do it earlier. Sometimes, going with the flow, being in the crowd and not out of it isn’t as bad as it may sound. I’ve experienced this innumerable number of times, and am still continuing doing so. The latest case being of Roadies 5.0 and The Kite Runner.

I always knew ‘The Kite Runner’ is a book definitely worth reading and more, but somehow I wasn’t able to jugadofy it from anywhere. But once I laid my hands on it, I made sure I finish it as soon as possible. 8 hours isn’t too long a time period, is it? After reading a sufficient numbers of best-sellers, now I can safely discern ’em and others. The narrative description is impeccable. Sentences extremely terse yet dramatically poignant and ostensibly symbolic. I’m already feeling at least 5% Afghani, if nothing else. The plot loosens grip somewhere in the middle, but then Khalid Hossieni becomes even more ferociously captivating.

Ehh.. Who am I kidding? You people must’ve read the book ages ago. Chuck it. I’ll move on.

Roadies 5.0. First thing which comes to my mind after seeing this word is Raghu. Second thing is that why am I not there. And thirdly, all cute girls ain’t scrupulous[yeah, I’m talking about Sambhavi]. Nonetheless, it has made Raghu a celebrity in its’ own distinct manner. The tasks, the politics, the bikes, the girls.. it so very Me! 😦


It’s 3 O’ clock in the morning, and I’m yet not feeling sleepy, despite the fact that I’ve to attend class at 8 in the morning. I’m getting a little insomniac. Perhaps, coz I’m not getting as much attention from females as much as I was used to. It’s a complete black out for me these days. But that doesn’t vex me much. My major concern is her. I’m getting this feeling that she has started ignoring me. Not replying to someone’s routine SMSs suggests so.


I’ve a lot of academic work to do in coming few days. By the way, yesterday I got my first pay check. I thought the feeling will be overwhelming. But strangely -and sadly- it wasn’t. Probably I’ve no one “special” to share it with. I’d loved to spend my first salary on her -or for that matter, anyone who were my love interest- but unfortunately no one is there to acknowledge it. It wasn’t meant to be, or may be, it was meant not to be. Arguably, one of the best lines I’ve ever come across! No candies for guessing the source 😛


This post could very well be attributed to my ongoing drinking spree.

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I read this in one of my friends orkut profiles. It wasn’t a tag actually, but more of a facebook-quiz kinda thing. But I liked it. And then I wanted to tag somebody who has recently blogrolled me. This tag is for Nidhi.

Describe your perfect Sunday morning?
A trip to sassi, shaving-bathing.. then a date with a beautiful lady. [I just described my perfect day, any day 😉 ]

Favorite song of all time?
If it has to be only one, I’d rather pick ‘Careless Whisper’ by George Michael.

How tall are you?
5′ 6″

If you could be successful at any job in the world, what would that job be?
Manager of some high profile football club, preferably in Germany or Italy. Juventus, to be more specific.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland.. any of these would do.

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?
Aamir Khan.

If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook?
If I could, I’ll serve ‘em with some real delicious egg-curry.

What is your favourite word?

What makes you cry?
When I’ve to pay the price of someone else’s fault.

If you were an animal in the wild, what would you be?
Lion. On more softer side.. it would be a squirrel or rabbit.

If you could time travel to the past to correct any mistakes you feel you’ve made, would you?
Definitely! Many.

Do you believe that the cup is half empty or half full?
Half full.

What do you do for fun?
Depends on which place am I at and in what mood am I in right then. The entire concept of fun get lost if it isn’t spontaneous.

Are you an outdoor or an indoor person
Both. Very Much!

Where do you see yourself in five years?
I want to say in a live-in relationship, and earning more than decently.

What are you most proud of in your life?
None, yet.

When do you plan on getting married?
Anytime between 25 to 30, depends how soon I meet ‘Her’.

Get the number or give the number?
Get the number. That way ‘We’ don’t come out as “despos”.. it also gives you a kind of upper hand.  😀

Romance or Kinky Sex?
Ubiquitous Romance with interim kinky sex! 😉

How do you feel?
Missing someone.

What size shoe do you wear?

What is your favorite clothing brand?

Water or 100% Juice?
100% Juice.

T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Cingular/AT&T, or Sprint/Nextel
None. Duhh!

Would you rather be hot or cold?
Hot, what else?

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
I’d rather die than even loosing my tiny fingernail. Every body part of mine very, very dear to me.

Favorite Place to Eat?
Any Pizza place .But it also depends on what kind of food are you talking about.

Opera, Musical, Concert, Play, Performance, or Other?
Play. Yeah, I’m lazy and boring.

Most Memorable Past?
My school life. Especially the time in between when I was in 9th to 12th.

Most embarrassing moment?
That I had a crush on a teacher and she came to know about it.

If you had to pick one car, which would it be?
Black Mercedes S-350.

Your favorite Disney Films?
Mickey Mouse. I’m not too sure whether Tom and Jerry falls under this category.

Why did the chicken cross the road?
How could I possibly know this!

Do you support Paris?
Excuse me?

Where is Waldo?
I’ve no clue what it is.

Favorite element?
Carbon. The name itself is so glamorous. [probably coz of NFS]

What was your last thought?
How silly girls are! I was watching Roadies-5.

Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape, or other?
Firefox, definitely!

Who are you going to vote for in 2008?
As an American, I’ll say Obama. I like his name. 😛

Juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
Juice and crackers.

Which is worse? A bad laugh or a bad cough?
Bad cough. Though I’m not too sure about my answer.

Are you a cat or a dog person?
I don’t like pets, but I’d say, a cat person.

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Again, none. But just for the sake of picking, I’d be deaf rather than being blind.

Define yourself in 3 words…
Leo, Vulnerable, Emotional.

Do you eat cold cereal at night?
I can eat anything, but I do not get anything to eat only!

What is your favorite TV show?
F.R.I.E.N.D.S How many times do I need to tell this?

Do you shower every single day?
I try my best to do so. I like shower.

Boat or bus?
Boat. It’s more adventures and exciting.

What would you do if Michael Jackson asked you out
The same as everyone else would do.

What is your favorite food?
Egg and Pizza.

Do you read harry potter books?
Nope. But I’ve seen all the movies, so I know all which is there to be known.

If you could have one super human power what would you choose?
I think about it a lot. Flying with speed of light is good, X-ray vision is so titillating.. but you can’t use ‘em for some genuine purposes. Nothing could beat Invisibility. Guys, just think about it! 😉

Have you had a beer in the last week?
I had everything which is there to be “have” yesterday. 🙂

Vitamin Water or Gatorade?

Favorite body part?
I’ve nothing so special to label it as “favourite” in my body. A woman’s body has every part which is my favourite. Especially the feet and lips. Someday, I’ll tell you about my foot-fetish. 😉

Flip flops or sandles?
Sandals, Nike.

What do you do on fridays?
Mostly I try to find myself a date. Otherwise, hang out with friends. The latter happens in irritatingly large amounts.

Do you like bananas?

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I just realized I haven’t blabbered casually here for a long period of time now. Probably, I’ve been too busy with some other, more important stuff. This post, was never conceptualized, it’s just materializing right now. Perhaps, for the first time ever, I haven’t written anything in my mind before hand and whatever crap am scribbling here is produced dynamically.

  • First things first. I just wish -and wish pretty badly- that this weekend turns out to be my most memorable weekend. I just hope I do not screw up things.
  • 16th to 23rd of Dec ’07, 28th Jan ’08 and 24th Feb ’08 are dates to be memorized by heart.
  • India winning in Australia, India [U-19] winning in Malaysia, Jeev Milkha Singh, Jyoti Randhawa doing unprecedented wonders in Golf… ’tis arguably one of the best phases of Indian Sports. India Shining, rightly and Brightly.
  • Haven’t seen Jodha-Akbar yet. I wanted to see it so very much in theater. But it’s getting banned gradually in all over the state, and if I may add.. Shamefully! I don’t understand. Ain’t these people have any thing better to do than just to create fuss about every movie which is even remotely related to religion or history? Can’t they just keep their asses on their seats and take things as they are supposed to be taken? Ashutosh Gowarikar never claimed he is recreating some historical incident. It is just a story based on history. Not history itself. So what if he distorted some facts and figures. They were all done in good spirits, just to make the screenplay more captivating. Thats what my tini-tiny filmi brain comprehends.
  • On similar lines[I mean filmy], I saw Juno a while ago. Some movies have got that thing in them. I’m not sure what “thing” am I talking about… the effort which they put in to make the movie seem effortless makes for “that thing”, I believe. The feel-good-factor which the movie gives is seriously commendable. Pretty much like TZP. No! I’m not comparing anything.
  • Lastly, but definitely not the least, the traffic on my blog has increased mani-manifolds! Yet people aren’t commenting in the same proportions. Some think that my posts are too good to comment! Whatever! 😛 Nonetheless, I’m loving this all.

Imminent- Minors, Poltu.. and a whole lotta futile hardwork. It’s a formal declaration, that I’ll not be involved in any kinda politics henceforth. Concerned people make a note of it. I’m damn serious. I’m not making any such proclamation for minors though. No matter how ardently I want to, I just can’t afford to 😦


I think I’m looking good these days 🙂

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